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MARK OF THE BEAST . The POPE of Rome will be considered as a man of peace, therefore he will be asked to become THE WORLD’S PRESIDENT. By the time this is going-on, the RAPTURE will strike as the POPE will leave ROME to go and sit in that temple which will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. We are looking at “THE MARK OF THE BEAST”. The bible says that it shall be given at the FOREHEAD or on the RIGHT-HAND. I also said earlier that this mark of the beast is not “666” as thought in so many churches today but that “666” written in the bible is only there for us to it as a way of identifying who this ANTI-CHRIST actually is because nobody would come to write “666” on either at your forehead or on your right-hand. The mark of the beast only has to do with an UNDERSTANDING. When the bible says on the forehead, it means that there will be a group of people who will have a certain understanding in their way of reasoning or thought. While when the bible says on the right-hand, it means that as a result of those certain understanding which this group of people have, it will reflect in their ACTIONS. This mark of the beast is in two phases: It is going on now spiritually and later after the RAPTURE it will be taken physically. As satan is marking his own now, so also is the Lord Jesus Christ marking His own with the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST which the bible says that He is a seal unto us christians unto the day of REDEEMPTION (Eph.4:30). Remember, the bible says that those who does not have this mark of the beast will not be allowed to buy or sell. This “BUY” or “SELL” are in two forms. After the RAPTURE, when the anti-christ will leave Rome where his seat is NOW at the Vatican city to go and sit in the temple at Jerusalem as GOD, he will desire to be worshipped by all MEN. I said earlier that the image of the beast is that world council of churched. By the time the anti-christ sits in that temple, the world council of churches will then begin to recognize him as God and of course, the POPE of Rome calls himself the VICAR of God which means that he is saying that he is the representative of God here on earth i.e he is the physical God of the spiritual God of creation. Haaaaaaaa! WHAT S BLASPHEMY! Now at that time, any church that does not recognize the POPE of Rome as God (VICAR) will be closed down and of course, right now in America, it is a law that no church should preach against other religion. At that time, it will no longer be America, it will then be an order from the POPE OF ROME to the churches all over the world. During this period, you as a church goer won’t be able to hear THE UNDILUTED WORD OF GOD again (BUY) and no preacher will be able to preach the TRUTH again (SELL). That is why Apostle Paul told us in the bible, “Buy the truth now and sell it not, for a time cometh when there shall famine, not of food but of the hearing of the PURE word of God”. On the other hand, when the bible says that no one would be able to “BUY” or “SELL” except you have the mark of the beast, it also means that at that time, there will be a technology which will only be made available for those who recognizes the POPE of Rome as the VICAR of God, to trade i.e when you go to the market, you won’t be able to buy or sell except that technology is in your body and of course, America has already invented this technology, they call it “MICRO CHIP”. It will be working exactly like your credit card (ATM card), there won’t need for anybody to be carrying money around. It will also serve as your personal documents which will have all your life profile in it like your bank details, health detail, travelling passport details, etc. They are only waiting for the right time to begin usage of it. It looks very interesting for how far technology has gone but at the same time, it is playing to God’s PERFECT WILL. Who is this anti-christ spoken of in the bible? The POPE OF ROME is the ANTI-CHRIST and we have seen where he is located called “THE VATICAN CITY” which is that little horn on the midst of those 10 horns according to Dan.7;7-8 and Rev.13:1. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of A MAN and his number is six hundred threescore and six (666)” (Rev.13:8). The bible says that we should calculate, so we shall do some calculations now. The original name of the country ROME is called “STUR” in the Chadian language which is only revealed to those initiated into the Chadian mysteries and using the Chadian alphabet representation of numbers, it gives us ( S=60, T=400, U=6 and R=200 (Total=666)). In Greek, the word ROME is translated as LATEINOS, now using the Greek numerical ( L=30, A=1, T=400, E=5, I=10, N=50, O=70, S=200 (Total=666)). This LATEINOS means LATINMAN likewise known as ROMUMUS in the Roman language form where the country ROME is called today. In Hebrew, the word ROME is translated as ROMIITH, using the Hebrew numerical ( R=200, O=6, M=40, I=10, I=10, TH=400 (Total=666)). Take note that in the Hebrew numerical (TH) is used as a single letter just as not all alphabets in the Roman numerical has numeric values. Let look at the only six letters that makes up the Roman figure ( D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1 (Total=666)). One of the title which the POPE OF ROME bears is called VICARIVS FILI DEI and in calculating these alphabets, you only use the alphabets that has a numeric value i.e use D, C, L, X, V & I in your calculation and what we will have is: V=5, I=1, C=100, I=1, V=5, (VICARIVS), I=1, L=50, I=1 (FILI), D=500 and I=1 (DEI) Total=666. Another POPE’s title is: LATINVS REX SACERDOS which means LATIN PRIEST KING. Using the Roman numeric, you will get ( L=50, I=1, V=5,(LATINVS), X=10 (REX), C=100 and D=500 (SACERDOS) Total= “666”. N:B- You have to omit letters which does not have any numeric value in the Roman alphabet. In conclusion, we the BRIDE of Jesus Christ worldwide have searched the whole world and discovered that it is only Jerusalem and Rome that is surrounded by seven nations according to Rev.13:1 and also take note, there maybe other tittles that people bear that may total “666” but if the bible says that he has two horns, it means that the bearer of such title must have two powers and as we have all seen that the POPE OF ROME has the political power and also is operating the Religious power. God told Daniel in the book of Daniel chapter 12 verse 10 that the wicked willdo more WICKEDLY and they will never understand but THE WISE WILL UNDERSTAND. GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU RESPOND TO
THE SHOUT CONCLUSION SHARE THIS POST TO YOUR FRIENDS FOR PRAYERS AND COUNSELING CALL BRO. EMEKA 08104416890 If you have any question from the above message, Write them in the comment box


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